American Psychological Association Award for Distinguished Contributions to Research in Public Policy – annual award bestowed for distinguished empirical and/or theoretical contribution to research in public policy, either through a single extraordinary achievement or a lifetime of work.
American Correctional Association Peter P. Lejins Research Award – annual award that is the highest honor bestowed by ACA upon a corrections researcher, who has produced significant research for the correctional community and has demonstrated personal commitment and contribution to improve the profession of corrections.
Texas Psychological Association Award for Outstanding Contribution to Science – annual award in recognition of significant scientific contribution in the discovery and development of new information, empirical or otherwise, to the body of psychological knowledge.
American Psychology-Law Society Book Award – annual award given to a scholarly book devoted to psychology and law issues to recognize outstanding scholarship in psychology and law, 2016 shared recipient [Forensic Assessments in Criminal and Civil Law: A Handbook for Lawyers, chapter author].
Association of American Publishers PROSE Award, psychology category – annual award recognizing a scholarly book of extraordinary merit that makes a significant contribution to a field of study, shared recipient [Living on Death Row: The Psychology of Waiting to Die, chapter author].
Commendation, John Maddox Prize – annual international distinction for promoting sound science and evidence on a matter of public interest, facing difficulty or hostility in doing so; sponsored by Nature (pre-eminent science journal), the Kohn Foundation, and Sense about Science; 2017 co-recipient.
American Academy of Forensic Psychology Award for Distinguished Contribution to Forensic Psychology – annual award that is the highest honor bestowed by AAFP, recognizing outstanding contributions to the science and practice of forensic psychology.
National Register of Health Service Psychologists Alfred M. Wellner, Ph.D. Lifetime Achievement Award – annual award that is the highest honor bestowed on a Registrant by the National Register to commemorate numerous and significant contributions to psychology during a distinguished career.
Fellow, American Psychological Association (Division 41: American Psychology-Law Society) – distinction reflecting outstanding and uncommon contributions having national impact on the science and practice of psychology.
National Association of Sentencing Advocates John Augustus Award – annual award bestowed for outstanding contributions to the profession of sentencing advocacy.
Navy Commendation Medal – decoration for meritorious service as a clinical psychologist, Naval Submarine Medical Center, United States Navy. The Commendation Medal may be awarded to service members who, while serving in any capacity with the Navy or Marine Corps, distinguish themselves by heroism, outstanding achievement or meritorious service. To be awarded for meritorious service, the service must be outstanding and worthy of special recognition.
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