Dr. Cunningham is an exemplar of a ‘scientist-practitioner.’ He has authored more than 70 scholarly publications, including a text, edited book chapters, scientific articles, a law review article, model case reports, and commentary. Nine have been published in the last five years. Articles authored/coauthored by Dr. Cunningham have appeared in leading peer-reviewed journals, including:
American Psychologist
Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice
Behavioral Sciences and the Law
Crime & Delinquency
Criminal Justice and Behavior
Criminal Justice Policy Review
Journal of Criminal Justice
Journal of Forensic Sciences
Journal of Learning Disabilities
Journal of Psychiatry and Law
Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
Law and Human Behavior
Prison Journal
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law
This scholarship has had significant impact: Dr. Cunningham’s research and scholarship have been cited in more than 1,700 scholarly publications. A complete list of Dr. Cunningham’s publications is available on his curriculum vitae.
Dr. Cunningham sits on the editorial board of a scholarly journal and routinely serves as an invited peer reviewer for a number of other forensic psychology, criminology, and criminal justice scientific journals. Publons has ranked the number of peer reviews provided by Dr. Cunningham at the 97th percentile among 200,000 researchers worldwide.